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Main/Media/Stories by Mikhail Volkov-Sorokin/Meeting with a monk

Meeting with a monk

Long walking the field, I met a nun, and surprisingly, it was not our time. I felt this immediately. He took a step, bowed to me and I in turn bowed to him.

We stopped in surprise, looking at each other. I spoke first. He was slightly frightened, and after a while he asked cautiously: "Whose will I be and when will I break." We talked for a long time. I showed him my smartphone and that he can, he told me something else, and he treated me with incredibly fragrant bread. And we parted further.

I go and think: "What an obsession... If such a thing is possible, then much too is possible... And then it would have been necessary to change with him: I would have become a minute or five, or ten, not more - and he by me... It is interesting to know what he knows and how he feels this world... Interestingly refused to b he il agreed!

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