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Main/Media/Stories by Mikhail Volkov-Sorokin/Intellectual work...

Intellectual work...

More than you can imagine, you think - it's purely intellectual work. It is a heavy, exhausting, demanding hard-core patient and nerves stronger than a tank rope, wild to blue with assiduity and ingenuity, resourcefulness and ingenuity, an outstanding mind, uncommonness simply rests next to the qualities that one must possess.

To give you a little, a millimeter, and this instantly KILL you like a mosquito, that he casually sat down on an elephant, believing that he would raise it. And was immediately crushed by the fact that the elephant just rocked, walking its course and touched the tree with a thigh, and a mosquito sat down on it with the intention of raising an elephant.

Only one thing that is created in the workshop, takes much more time than the construction of a two-story cottage, and the stool for labor and intelligence is equal to the headset from design to implementation.

You think this kerne is a shaggy and short little artist who spins with wooden pieces... How are you mistaken! Yes, he is a neolithic fossil, he is a monster, and you say - songs.

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