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Main/Media/Stories by Mikhail Volkov-Sorokin/Облака


The clouds! Everywhere clouds... Clouds to the horizon- and to the right, and to the left, and behind the clouds, and the blue, blue sky. Count them! But counting them is like counting waves in the sea. And under the clouds - spring! Everything turns green, it pecks, there is a big high water. Water, once a snowdrift; and snowdrifts are billions of billions of snowflakes, and, surprisingly, neither one is like the other.

As well as there will be no identical sheet, that just about will appear. And as such it is possible! All around are miracles, without end, and without edge. Every day is a miracle, a fairy tale, a gift. Even the rain that struck yesterday in the face, and the fiercely chilling water, consisting of the endless drops of degenerated snowflakes that have been reborn, and travels differently than in the winter. It's funny all this, and amazing!

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